About us

Native speakers

Our native speakers have a linguistic background.
We have experienced editors in most academic fields.


We have a strict privacy policy regarding your work and personal data.
We undertake to maintain strict confidentiality in respect of all texts submitted to us. Documents are never shared with third parties, nor are they published. We will also never use your document for commercial purposes.


Striving for excellence is a choice.
Striving for excellence is moving upwards.
Excellence leads to higher grades.

Strive for excellence.
Have your thesis proofread by professional editors.

How it started

Up Word is a spin-off from a translation agency which has been involved in the translation business for 25 years now.
Our proofreading and editing services have been much in demand in recent years for students and parents anxious to ensure their theses and papers are exemplary.
The texts we receive are not only in Dutch but also in French and, first and foremost, in English.
In view of the increased use of English as a language for academic communication in Belgium and the Netherlands we saw an opportunity to help students in their efforts to produce the best possible paper or thesis.
Up Word ensures your work is well written using correct spelling and grammar, word and sentence choice.
Up Word can proofread your work so that it is easily understood and marks are not deducted.

We can also proofread and edit documents written in Dutch or French